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Remove the House

Project designs have not yet been considered.  We first want to get your input.


If the property was to become part of Cove Park, the house on the property would go away. Using the house or selling it to reallocate funds to other projects is not one of the options available.


Expand the View


The greatest opportunity this project brings is additional visual relief and expanded public water view and some additional foot access.


The added property would have limited use.  

Land and house could not be used for:  
Dog Park, Restaurant or other Business,
Parking or Motor Vehicles. 

The Seattle City Park Department is exploring the feasibility of expanding Cove Park to include  8923 Fauntleroy Way SW, immediately north of Cove Park, through a property trade with King County.  This additional land would increase the the Public’s physical and visual access to Puget Sound.  


The property is currently owned by King County. The county does not have any use for it anymore and is looking at options to dispose of it. The two options under consideration are either to trade it to the City for an expansion of Cove Park or sell it on the open market back to private hands to be privately developed.  


Wouldn't it be great if the Parks Department created more visual expansions and public Puget Sound access!



See it on a map.               Is this of interest to you? Your support is vital,

Read more: WS Blog         both in writing and at the open forum. Please

                                       comment below and come to the meeting!

What do you want to see?
Share your thoughts


How would you like to see the park in the next ten years?  Please share your feedback and tell us if you encourage the expansion of Cove Park.  Please include your email address and we will inform you of the public meeting.


The Survey has been shut down for the moment.




Share your thoughts!


email Council member 




We are neighbors of the park who would like to see the property go to public good. We feel the best use of the land and house is to be available to everyone to enjoy.

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